My Blog. . .


Passions, Desires and Sex…

Nothing complicates and distorts life quite like sex!
There is a price to pay for every pleasure one receives… The price for sex and love is way too high and much too disproportionate!
Buyer beware… And if you think you are not a buyer in this exchange, you really need to beware!
Desires and passions are forms of emotional-slavery! IMG_1972
Be very particular with what you choose to desire…
Stick to cigars and nice cup of coffee!

Social Media and Young Men…

Young men must understand that as they spend/waste their time posting social media ‘pics” and “gifs” in return for “likes,” in return for peer acknowledgement, in return for laughs… time is ticking ever forward. Your teenage years are but a short window of training to become a man. You should not be building your life around being a teenager! Your teenage years are meant to prepare you for your far longer and more important adult years. It would behoove you to spend your time trying, learning, investigating, subjects, ideas, things, that will help you decide how you’re going to spend your life from 18 to 80.

Social Media, Virtual Games, Pornography , these are all huge distractions for a young-man who should be focused on his future. These virtual realities are just that “virtual,” they are not real. High scores in military themed games are not the same as serving your country in the real military! Watching pornography is not the same as meeting real women, having a real conversation, not to mention a real relationship. These virtual, alternative experiences are fake, and take away from your future, your success, your happiness, and your life!

You should have a well developed idea regarding how you’re going to spend your future by the time you’re 16… Otherwise how will you know which direction to head after high school? Some of this current problem is due to parents – mostly single mothers rearing sons without an involved father – continuously telling their little boys (even as they turn 18, 19, 20) that it’s okay if they don’t know what they want to do… Gentleman… It’s not okay to have absolutely no idea what you want to do with your life when you’re 16, much less so when you’re 18, and out of High School.

Young Man, Stop spending all your time with nonsense, with short lived dopamine-hits, and focus your mind, your talents, and your energy on lasting emotional, and physical-health, wealth, and happiness. Walk your own path and be the absolute best version of yourself… and no one else!


What I’ve discovered about true “Long-Term Happiness” through my many years and several experiences pursuing happiness;
Happiness is NOT a place, a thing,  an act, a person, or even an achievement.
Happiness IS a state of mind, a perspective, that no one, that nothing, can take
away from you!
You make your own happiness where ever you are, whenever you are.


Structure is the starting point for young men. I’m not talking about letting someone else set your pace… You set your own pace, you decide what you need, and don’t need, in your life. You forge your own path. BUT… If you’re not sure how to do this, find a mentor. You don’t need a actual person physically standing in front of you. You can use successful men throughout history, most have put pen to paper in some form… Use it! Check-out my “Must Read” list in “Books and Films.” Young men need daily structure, and focus, which requires self-discipline to adhere to… So you’re getting a double benefit; The structure that allows you to grow and move forward, and the development of the self-control necessary for any success in a man’s life. And it is okay to schedule-in some down time with this structure. Life is meant to be enjoyed, but life cannot be non-stop party, lest your life be either very short, or very daunting.IMG_1893

To be clear… Self-control is the immediate action you take, or don’t take, to develop daily self-discipline.

The Risk Reward Approach…

The key to not making poor, life altering decisions in your youth is the “Risk-Reward” assessment. Is the risk of any given behavior worth the possible, perceived reward. Attempting some kind a daredevil stunt for a “tik-tok” video that could result in permanent injury… MAY NOT BE WORTH THE RISK! It’s common sense; Is the risk of literally breaking your back, or your neck worth a few “likes” on your social media account?!

Ask Yourself…

What is truly important in my life?
What are the things, events, relationships, I will reflect on as I take my last breath…
What is meaningful in my life?
Am I focused on what is meaningful?

The Daily Gentleman-Warrior…

For me it’s a man who fights the fight each day… Wages the daily battle to be just a little better than yesterday,  a little better than YOU were yesterday not better than anyone else.

The Gentleman-Warrior is a student of life, A man who combines inner strength, wisdom, and compassion. A man who sees and conducts himself, not as a sheep, not as a wolf, but as the sheepdog the protector of what is just, and in need.

He is strong both mentally and physically (within his natural means,) kind, in the sense that he despises cruelty. He maintains a sense of pride, courage, and confidence without ostentation. He is a daily warrior, a man who needs very little to live, to thrive, to be happy, or successful, and define his own success. Some once asked me if I was wealthy… I said yes, because I have so few needs or wants, and I’m content to be content. I seek tranquility rather than joy. I have gratitude for things as simple as a good cup of coffee.

Each day I try to learn something, grow something, gain something… This has led me over my life to appreciate the simplest forms of each art in life. Simple foods, simple martial arts, simple ideas, simple financial investing, simple fitness, etc… These simple ideas I would like to share with whom ever is interested… Thus begins our journey.

Examples of a Gentleman-Warrior: George Washington, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Marcus Aurelius, Richard “Mack” Machowicz, Epictitus.


The most important characteristic of the Alpha Male is Self-Control.
It’s not about being the biggest guy, or the strongest, or even the smartest…
It’s about being the guy who possesses Self-Discipline… which is the result of self-control.
Being the “Alpha” starts with mastering your own domain!
Your greatest competition is not with others; it is with yourself.
Don’t strive to be better than someone else… strive to be a better you.


Happiness is found somewhere between what we want and what we need,
and the ability to be grateful when we get either!
PS: Wisdom is knowing the difference between your “wants” and your “needs.”

…The Grey-Warrior